Sunday, July 22, 2018

Python Turtles and Trees

Recently I have been studying the phenomenon of self-similarity in naturally occurring networks. Self-Similarity has implications for biology, geography, and many other sciences. However the concepts that underpin them are relatively simple. In this post I will cover how one can explore this interesting topic, and model it inside Python. By the end we will have an algorithm fully capable of letting a turtle construct a tree-like structure

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Building a Network Communication map with Scapy and NetworkX

In my previous posts, I have described using NetworkX to simulate the topography of a network. I have also discussed using Scapy for various packet capture and crafting tasks. In this post I am going to tie these concepts together to generate a network communication map, which is suitable for analysis using SciKit-Learn.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Scapy part 3: Analyzing custom packets

In the last two sections I covered how Scapy can be used as a general tool for packet analysis, and also how it can be used to craft custom protocols to meet your own needs. In this third and final installment I will discuss how to use scapy to analyze packets again, this time with an eye towards processing custom protocol layers.