Monday, February 12, 2018

Analyzing Music: Music21 introduction and basics

This week, I have taken a break from Security Research, as I often like to do before I present at a conference, and focused myself on another area I love to explore. Music. I love music. Playing it, listening to it, recording and editing. It is all great fun. Recently though, I have wanted to push beyond my very basic understanding of music, and begin to understand 'why' certain concepts work, when and how they were introduced, etc. To do this I turn my attention back to Music Theory and an analysis framework from MIT called Music21.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Resources For RFID talk

These links are the main resources consulted during the development of my Presentation "MiFare Lady: Teaching an old RFID new tricks". They will be useful for anyone looking to get into the world of RFID Desig, Analysis and threats. Link topics include Mifare Specific manuals, discussions on Cryptography, Discussions on RFID security, and discussions about Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). I am looking forward to presenting this at the BSides Tampa 2018 event on 02/17.